On-Demand Webinar

The Role of Tech in Optimizing Donor Relations in the COVID-19 Era

Universities are being squeezed from all sides today, coping with the repercussions of the pandemic—from depleting budgets to income shortfalls. Advancement services teams are in the crosshairs of having to both identify and provide flexible revenue streams in order to continue to provide services and pursue strategic initiatives without interruption.

These challenges have accelerated digital transformation initiatives, resulting in modernized communications and agreement systems for greater transparency, efficiency, and ease of use to improve the cost per dollar raised. In this webinar hosted by DocuSign and studioID, we explore the impact that technology can have on increasing results and bolstering this year’s philanthropic efforts, including:

  • The impact of COVID-19 on advancement outreach
  • Trends in going digital for communication and transactions with the donor community
  • Best practices for engaging donors and streamlining operations
  • How the modern agreement process can facilitate advancement goals

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